Numerical simulations reveals the physical mechanism for the onset of the sharkskin instability in polymer extrusion process In this paper, we have studied polymer extrusion, an important process in plastics manufacturing. Often the final material’s surface is rough with semi regular grooves resembling the skin of a shark. This phenomenon, […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
Associate Professor Yannis Dimakopoulos gave a keynote speech in entitled “Advanced Computational Methods for the Simulation of Complex Fluids in Industrial Processes” in the Complex Fluids in Manufacturing Workshop which took place on 21 April 2021.
Professor John Tsamopoulos and Dr. Stelios Varchanis gave a lecture in the JNNFM Complex Fluids Seminar Series on 28 April 2021. The abstract and the recording of the lecture are available at: The recording is also available below:
An open High-Performance-Computing ecosystem for the ecological transformation and the advancement of the Plastics Industry in the Regions of West and Central Greece. The fundamental idea of the easyHPC@eco.plastics.industry.WCG Hub is the adjustment of infrastructure, high scientific and technological training, advanced knowledge, and pioneering algorithms developed by leading Greek Research […]