The research is focused on predicting and controlling deformation and flow of a group of complex materials abundant in nature and industry, called Yield-Stress (YS) or viscoplastic (VP) materials. These start to flow when a sufficient stress is applied to them but behave as solids otherwise. Predicting the behaviour of […]
PSAs were studied in the EU-funded project “MODIFY” aiming at building fundamental understanding of the role of material structure and properties in their performance. We modeled their mechanical test according to which a film is placed between two parallel disks. The disks are pulled away from each other and cavitating […]
Physicochemical and biological characterization and improvement of natural muds to produce high added-value products (PHARMAMUDS) R&T Cooperation between Greece and Israel (NSRF 2013-2015) Greek-side Project Coordinator: Konstantinos Gardikis (APIVITA SA) Greek-side Scientific Coordinator: Ioannis Tsamopoulos (University of Patras) Israeli-side Project Coordinator: Liora Chitron (Anna Lotan Ltd) participants: […]