Authors Vincett M.E., Tsamopoulos J.A., Lund C.R.F. Abstract A mathematical model for the steam gasification of carbon using group VIII transition metal catalysts has been developed. The reaction mechanism is assumed to involve the dissolution of carbon into the metal catalyst at the front half of the spherical particle followed […]
Authors Poslinski A.J., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Nonisothermal inflation of a viscous annular parison and its cooling and solidification before and upon wall contact are analyzed by solving the unsteady momentum and energy conservation equations. The algorithm simultaneously determines the flow field and temperature distribution within the parison together with the […]
Authors Gupte S.M., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The process of chemical vapor infiltration for densification of porous ceramic preforms consists of reactant diffusion and decomposition followed by solid product deposition in the porous body. A mathematical model for isothermal and nonisothermal CVI is presented where the transient porous structure is approximated […]
Authors Gupte S.M., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract A mathematical model for forced-flow chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) for densification of porous ceramic composites is presented. The process consists of mass transport of reactants by both convection and diffusion into a porous preform, decomposition of reactants, and subsequent deposition of solid product on […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A., Manolis G.D. Abstract It was shown by Rayleigh [Philos. Mag. 14, 184 (1882)] that a conducting spherical drop becomes unstable when the net dimensionless charge on its surface, Qc, exceeds the value of 4√π. More recently, Tsamopoulos et al. [Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A […]