Authors E. Martino, G. Koilias, M. Athanasiou, A. Katsaounis, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, C.G. Vayenas Abstract The triode operation of humidified PEM fuel cells has been investigated both with pure H2 and with CO poisoned H2 feed over commercial Vulcan supported Pt(30%)-Ru(15%) anodes. It was found that triode operation, which […]
Authors D.Fraggedakis, J.Papaioannou, Y.Dimakopoulos, J.Tsamopoulos Abstract A new boundary-fitted technique to describe free surface and moving boundary problems is presented. We have extended the 2D elliptic grid generator developed by Dimakopoulos and Tsamopoulos (2003) [19] and further advanced by Chatzidai et al. (2009) [18] to 3D geometries. The set of […]
Authors A. Syrakos, S. Varchanis, Y. Dimakopoulos, A. Goulas, J. Tsamopoulos Abstract The divergence theorem (or Green-Gauss) gradient scheme is among the most popular methodsfor discretising the gradient operator in second-order accurate finite volume methods, with a longhistory of successful application on structured grids. This together with the ease of […]
Authors D.Pettas, G.Karapetsas, Y.Dimakopoulos, J.Tsamopoulos Abstract Liquid film flow along an inclined plane featuring a slit, normal to the main directionof flow, creates a second gas–liquid interface connecting the two side walls of theslit. This inner interface forms two three-phase contact lines and supports a widelyvarying amount of liquid under […]
Authors Evan Mitsoulis, John Tsamopoulos Abstract Viscoplasticity is characterized by a yield stress, below which the materials will not deform and above which they will deform and flow according to different constitutive relations. Viscoplastic models include the Bingham plastic, the Herschel-Bulkley model and the Casson model. All of these ideal […]
Authors G. Karapetsas, N. K. Lampropoulos, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos Abstract We examine the transient film flow under the action of gravity over solid substrates with three-dimensional topographical features. Our focus is placed on the coating of a periodic array of rectangular cuboid trenches. The Navier–Stokes equations are solved using […]
Authors Fraggedakis D., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The sedimentation of a single particle in materials that exhibit simultaneously elastic, viscous and plastic behavior is examined in an effort to explain phenomena that contradict the nature of purely yield-stress materials. Such phenomena include the loss of the fore-and-aft symmetry with […]
Authors Fraggedakis D., Pavlidis M., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the abrupt increase in the rise velocity of an isolated bubble in a viscoelastic fluid occurring at a critical value of its volume, under creeping flow conditions. This ‘velocity discontinuity’, in most experiments involving shear-thinning fluids, has been […]
Authors Tsouka S., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We consider the two dimensional, steady flow of a dilute polymer solution over a solid substrate with periodic topography under the action of a body force. We examine how the distribution of polymer is affected by flow conditions, physical properties and substrate […]
Authors Lampropoulos N.K., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We study the transient, two-dimensional film flow over solid substrates with variable topography, a flow that has practical applications in microelectronics and microfluidics. The problem we address here is the advancing of a thin liquid film over square-shaped trenches with different depths […]
Authors Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Georgiou G.C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Numerical simulations of the flow in an extrusion damper are performed using a finite volume method. The damper is assumed to consist of a shaft, with or without a spherical bulge, oscillating axially in a containing cylinder filled with a […]
Authors Pavlidis M., Karapetsas G., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine and compare five constitutive models, which have been recently proposed to describe the behavior of elasto-visco-plastic fluids. The comparison is performed in simple rheometric flows, i.e. simple-shear, uniaxial elongation and large amplitude oscillatory tests and in the complex […]
Authors Fraggedakis D., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine and compare five constitutive models, which have been recently proposed to describe the behavior of elasto-visco-plastic fluids. The comparison is performed in simple rheometric flows, i.e. simple-shear, uniaxial elongation and large amplitude oscillatory tests and in the complex flow generated […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Kelesidis G., Tsouka S., Georgiou G.C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract BACKGROUND: In microcirculation, the non-Newtonian behavior of blood and the complexity of the microvessel network are responsible for the high flow resistance and the large reduction of the blood pressure. Red blood cell aggregation along with inward radial […]
Authors Fraggedakis D., Kouris C., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We study the flow of two immiscible, Newtonian fluids in a periodically constricted tube driven by a constant pressure gradient. Our volume-of-fluid algorithm is used to solve the governing equations. First, the code is validated by comparing its predictions to […]
Authors Pettas D., Karapetsas G., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract It is well-known that by increasing the flow rate in polymer extrusion, the flow becomes unstable and the smooth extrudate surface becomes wavy and disordered to an increasing degree. In order to investigate the mechanisms responsible for these instabilities we […]
Authors Papaioannou J., Giannousakis A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Motivated by the probe experiment for characterizing the adhesion strength of polymeric materials, we studied the axisymmetric extensional flow of a viscoelastic liquid filament that contains one or three initially spherical bubbles along its axis of symmetry. The filament is […]
Authors Tseropoulos G., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J., Lyberatos G. Abstract The Minoan Terracotta pipes with their conical shape were widely used in the water distribution system in the ancient Minoan civilization. They remain one of the brightest achievements of the Minoan tribe in water supply technology and raise admiration as […]
Authors Karapetsas G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract During extrusion of viscoelastic fluids various flow instabilities may arise resulting in a distorted free surface. In order to investigate the factors generating these instabilities we performed a linear stability analysis at zero Reynolds number around the steady solution of the cylindrical or planar […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Pavlidis M., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The steady, buoyancy-driven rise of a bubble in a Herschel-Bulkley fluid is examined assuming axial symmetry. The variation of the rate-of-strain tensor around a rising bubble necessitates the coexistence of fluid and solid regions in this fluid. In general, a viscoplastic fluid […]
Authors Papaioannou J.G., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Because of the three dimensional nature of many physical problems encountered in industrial processes and applications, we develop a novel 3D elliptic grid generator for the construction and the deformation of structured grids. The specific application we consider is related to the […]
Authors Chatzidai N., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract According to linear theory and assuming the liquids to be inviscid and the bubbles to remain spherical, bubbles set in oscillation attract or repel each other with a force that is proportional to the product of their amplitude of volume pulsations and […]
Authors Pavlidis M., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Two-dimensional, steady flow of a viscoelastic film over a periodic topography under the action of a body force is studied. The exponential Phan-Thien and Tanner (ePTT) constitutive model is used. The conservation equations are solved via the usual mixed finite element method […]
Authors Chatzidai N., Giannousakis A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We present an improved method to generate a sequence of structured meshes even when the physical domain contains deforming inclusions. This method belongs to the class of Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) methods for solving moving boundary problems. Its tools are either […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the pressure-driven coating of a straight, long tube with a finite amount of viscoelastic liquid. This combines the formation and elongation of an open bubble pushing the liquid downstream with the motion of the advancing liquid front and the deposition of a […]
Authors Pavlidis M., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The one-dimensional, gravity-driven film flow of a linear (l) or exponential (e) Phan-Thien and Tanner (PTT) liquid, flowing either on the outer or on the inner surface of a vertical cylinder or over a planar wall, is analyzed. Numerical solution of the […]
Authors Papaioannou J., Karapetsas G., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The injection of a viscoplastic material, driven by a constant pressure drop, inside a pipe or between two parallel coaxial disks under creeping flow conditions is examined. The transient nature of both flow arrangements requires solving a time-dependent problem and […]
Authors Karapetsas G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The steady planar and cylindrical stick-slip flows for a viscoelastic fluid are computed using the Phan-Thien and Tanner (PTT) constitutive model. The mixed finite element method is used in combination with the elastic-viscous stress-splitting technique and the streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin discretization for the constitutive […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J., Dimakopoulos Y., Chatzidai N., Karapetsas G., Pavlidis M. Abstract We examine the buoyancy-driven rise of a bubble in a Newtonian or a viscoplastic fluid assuming axial symmetry and steady flow. Bubble pressure and rise velocity are determined, respectively, by requiring that its volume remains constant and its […]
Authors Housiadas K., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The effect of the air jet, which is used to increase the process stability and cool the polymeric film which is produced by the widely-used Film Blowing Process (FBP) is presented. The air jet is supplied circumferentially and tangentially on the outside surface of […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Pavlidis M., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the pressure-driven coating of a straight tube with a viscoelastic liquid using an advanced and stable finite element algorithm, which is based on an elliptic grid generator along with local refinement and reconstruction of the mesh wherever this is needed. […]
Authors Karapetsas G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The steady extrusion of viscoelastic materials from a straight, annular die is studied theoretically. The viscoelastic behavior is modelled using the affine Phan-Thien and Tanner (PTT) constitutive equation of the exponential form. For the numerical solution of the governing equations the mixed finite element […]
Authors Housiadas K.D., Klidis G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the film blowing process (FBP), which is widely used for manufacturing biaxially stretched films of polymeric materials. The viscoelastic property of the material is taken into account by employing the Upper Convected Maxwell, the Oldroyd-B or the Phan-Thien and Tanner […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We study the transient displacement of Newtonian and viscoplastic liquids by highly pressurized air in cylindrical tubes of finite length with an expansion followed by a contraction in their cross section. Papanastasiou’s formula is employed to regularize the discontinuous Bingham model. For both fluid […]
Authors Zacharioudaki M., Kouris C., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract A Volume Tracking (VT) and a Front Tracking (FT) algorithm are implemented and compared for locating the interface between two immiscible, incompressible, Newtonian fluids in a tube with a periodically varying, circular cross-section. Initially, the fluids are stationary and stratified […]
Authors Lac E., Barthès-Biesel D., Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The dynamic response of an initially spherical capsule subject to different externally imposed flows is examined. The neo-Hookean and Skalak et al. (Biophys. J., vol. 13 (1973), pp. 245-264) constitutive laws are used for the description of the membrane mechanics, […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the displacement by pressurized air of a liquid, which only partially occupies straight or complex tubes, according to the Gas-Assisted Injection Molding (GAIM) process. The process involves the formation and continuous elongation of a gaseous finger, which sets in motion the liquid, […]
Authors Karapetsas G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The transient, axisymmetric squeezing of viscoplastic materials under creeping flow conditions is examined. The flow of the material even outside the disks is followed. Both cases of the disks moving with constant velocity or under constant force are studied. This time-dependent simulation of squeeze […]
Authors Foteinopoulou K., Mavrantzas V.G., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Our recent finite element-based study of the deformation of a single bubble in a Newtonian or viscoelastic filament undergoing stretching is extended here to the case of multiple bubbles simultaneously growing in the stretched medium. The filament, having initially the […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The displacement of viscous liquids by pressurized gas from harmonically undulated tubes of finite length is examined. This unsteady process gives rise to a long open bubble of varying radius, increasing length and surrounded by the liquid. In general, the thickness of the liquid […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Gaki A., Doinikov A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The translational velocities of two spherical gas bubbles oscillating in water, which is irradiated by a high-intensity acoustic wave field, are calculated. The two bubbles are assumed to be located far enough apart so that shape oscillations can be neglected. […]
Authors Talaslidis D.G., Manolis G.D., Paraskevopoulos E., Panagiotopoulos C., Pelekasis N., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract A modular analysis package is assembled for assessing risk in typical industrial structural units such as steel storage tanks, due to extreme transient loads that are produced either as a result of chemical explosions in the […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the transient displacement of viscoelastic fluids by a gas in straight cylindrical tubes of finite length. For the simulation of the processes, the mixed finite element method is combined with a quasi-elliptic grid generation scheme for discretizing the highly deforming domain of […]
Authors Foteinopoulou K., Mavrantzas V.G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Numerical results are presented concerning bubble growth in Newtonian and viscoelastic filaments undergoing stretching. In practice, such bubbles or cavities develop in materials (either in their bulk or at their interface with a substrate) such as the pressure sensitive adhesives. The problem […]
Authors Kouris C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The nonlinear dynamics of the concentric, two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids in a circular tube is studied when the viscosity ratio of the fluid in the annulus to that in the core of the tube, μ, is larger than or equal to unity. […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the transient displacement of a viscoplastic material from straight or suddenly constricted cylindrical tubes of finite length. Our general goal is to develop accurate and efficient numerical methods for the fundamental study of processes in which a gas is displacing a liquid […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We study the displacement of a viscous fluid by highly pressurized air in a straight or a suddenly constricted cylindrical tube of finite length. In contrast to previous efforts, the transient situation is examined. A long, narrower than the tube and round-ended bubble is […]
Authors Kouris C., Dimakopoulos Y., Georgiou G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract A Galerkin/finite element and a pseudo-spectral method, in conjunction with the primitive (velocity-pressure) and streamfunction-vorticity formulations, are tested for solving the two-phase flow in a tube, which has a periodically varying, circular cross section. Two immiscible, incompressible, Newtonian fluids are […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We have developed a quasi-elliptic set of equations for generating a discretization mesh that optimally conforms to an entire domain that undergoes large deformations in primarily one direction. We have applied this method to the axisymmetric problem of the transient displacement of a viscous […]
Authors Smyrnaios D.N., Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The steady two-dimensional laminar flow of a stream of saturated vapor flowing over a tube that is kept at a uniform temperature, below the saturation temperature, is examined. Owing to the temperature difference between the vapor stream and the solid surface a […]
Authors Kouris C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Nonlinear dynamics of the concentric, two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids in a circular tube of variable cross-section is studied for parameter values where the steady core-annular flow (CAF) is linearly unstable. The simulations are based on a pseudo-spectral numerical method. They are carried […]
Authors Kouris C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Nonlinear dynamics of the concentric, two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids in a circular tube is studied. The viscosity of the fluid around the axis of symmetry of the tube is larger than the viscosity of the fluid that surrounds it and gravity acts […]
Authors Kouris C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The concentric, two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids in a tube of sinusoidally varying cross-section is studied. This geometry is often used as a model to study the onset of different flow regimes in packed beds. Neglecting gravitational effects, the model equations depend on […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The flow of a gas stream past a flat plate under the influence of rainfall is investigated. As raindrops sediment on the flat plate, they coalesce to form a water film that flows under the action of shear from the surrounding gas stream. In […]
Authors Smyrnaios D.N., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The axisymmetric squeeze flow of viscoplastic materials is examined using either the original Bingham constitutive equation or the approximate model suggested by Papanastasiou. Previous theoretical analyses of this problem, using the standard lubrication approximation, have led to conflicting results, whereby the material around the […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Economou K., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Small amplitude oscillations of viscous, capillary bridges are studied in the presence of an electric dc field. The electric field is proposed as a means to maintain bridges longer than their perimeter and of uniform cylindrical shape. This is desired in the […]
Authors Housiadas K., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The unsteady extrusion of a viscoelastic film from an annular and axisymmetric die is examined. This moving boundary problem is solved by mapping the inner and outer liquid/air interfaces of the extruded film onto fixed ones, and by transforming the governing equations accordingly. The […]
Authors Housiadas K., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The unsteady extrusion of a viscoelastic film from an annular and axisymmetric die is examined, when the gravitational and the capillary forces in the film are small relative to the viscous forces. The Oldroyd-B constitutive equation is employed. This moving boundary problem is solved […]
Authors Housiadas K., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The unsteady extrusion of a viscoelastic film from an annular and axisymmetric die is examined. External, elastic, viscous and inertia forces deform the film, which is simultaneously cooled via forced convection to the ambient air. This moving boundary problem is solved by mapping the […]
Authors Housiadas K., Georgiou G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The steady extrusion of a Newtonian liquid through an annular die and its development outside and away from the die are studied under the influence of gravitational and surface tension forces. The finite element method (FEM) is used for the simulations. The […]
Authors Kouris C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The concentric, two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids in a tube of sinusoidally varying cross section is studied. Assuming that the tube radius is much smaller than the period of the constriction, the Navier-Stokes equations in each phase are simplified accordingly. This geometry is […]
Authors Smyrnaios D.N., Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The steady two-dimensional laminar flow of an air stream, flowing past a solid surface at high Reynolds number, is examined in the presence of rainfall. As raindrops sediment on the surface they coalesce and form a continuous water film that flows due […]
Authors Georgiou G.C., Tsamopoulos J., Schultz W.W. Abstract We use finite elements and the full Newton iteration method to solve the steady, two-dimensional flow of a Newtonian planar film, issuing from a slit under a pressure difference between the two free surfaces, in the presence of gravity and surface tension. […]
Authors Kouris Ch., Neophytides St., Vayenas C.G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract A dynamic model is developed to described two parallel reactions between one gaseous and two non-volatile components on partially wetted catalysts with a time-dependent wetting efficiency. This simulates the performance of catalytic particles in a trickle-bed reactor operating in the […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J.A., Chen M.F., Borkar A.V. Abstract The spin coating of a viscoplastic material is studied using a continuous viscosity function. Thus, the transient model requires the calculation of only velocity, pressure and the moving-free surface of the liquid film, but not the calculation of the yield surface within […]
Authors Housiadas K., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The unsteady flow of an annular and axisymmetric film under gravity is examined. This moving boundary problem is solved by mapping the inner and the outer interface of the film in the radial direction onto fixed ones and by transforming the governing equations accordingly. […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract A numerical study on the dynamic behaviour of a charged and conducting drop, with net electrical charge Q, is presented here, that is valid for arbitrary initial disturbances. It employs the integral form of Laplace’s equation for the calculation of the velocity and electrostatic […]
Authors Borkar A.V., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Start-up flow of an Upper Convected Maxwell (UCM) fluid over a disk set in rotation is studied by using analytical and numerical methods. Both instantaneous acceleration and linear ramping are considered. A power series expansion is used to calculate velocity and stress analytically at […]
Authors Borkar A.V., Tsamopoulos J.A., Gupta S.A., Gupta R.K. Abstract Spin coating of two commercially used polymer solutions is studied both theoretically and experimentally. Physical and rheological characterization of these solutions indicates that under the spinning conditions currently used they behave as nonvolatile, viscoelastic fluids with constant viscosity and elasticity. […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J., Borkar A. Abstract The transient flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid over an infinite disk set in rotation impulsively is studied under the similarity assumption. The unsteady velocity and stress field is calculated exactly for short times by a power series expansion in time. The order of magnitude […]
Authors Mollot D.J., Ashgriz N., Tsamopoulos J., Chen T.-Y. Abstract An experimental investigation of forced and free oscillations of liquid bridges positioned between two rods of equal diameter is presented. Both the resonance frequencies and damping rates for different aspect ratios of the bridge are reported. The damping rate data […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract It is well known from experiments in acoustic cavitation that two bubbles pulsating in a liquid may attract or repel each other depending on whether they oscillate in or out of phase, respectively. The forces responsible for this phenomenon are called ‘Bjerknes’ forces. When […]
Authors Chen T.-Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Finite-amplitude, forced and free oscillations of capillary bridges are studied. They are characterized by a resonant frequency and a damping rate which, in turn, depend on fluid properties, dimensions of the bridge, gravitational force relative to surface tension and amplitude of the external disturbance. […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The motion of two gas bubbles in response to an oscillatory disturbance in the ambient pressure is studied. It is shown that the relative motion of bubbles of unequal size depends on the frequency of the disturbance. If this frequency is between the two […]
Authors Chitrapu P., Lund C.R.F., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract A two-dimensional model of the growth of filamentous carbon using an iron catalyst is presented. A single catalyst particle in the shape of a pear, producing filament diameters in the range from 30 to 100 nm is considered. The steady-state mass balance […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A., Manolis G.D. Abstract Different formulations of free-surface inviscid flows lead to Fredholm integral equations of the first or second kind. In the present study, these formulations are compared in terms of efficiency and accuracy when different time and space discretization schemes are employed in studying […]
Authors Chen T.-Y., Tsamopoulos J.A., Good R.J. Abstract Equilibrium shapes and the stability of capillary bridges between parallel and nonparallel solid surfaces are determined. Asymptotic and computer-aided techniques from bifurcation theory are used to determine the limits of stability in terms of the minimum volume of fluid in the bridge. […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J., Chen T.-Y., Borkar A. Abstract Small-amplitude oscillations of viscous, capillary bridges are characterized by their frequency and rate of damping. In turn, these depend on the surface tension and viscosity of the liquid, the dimensions of the bridge, the axial and azimuthal wavenumbers of each excited mode […]
Authors Poslinski A.J., Orlicki D., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Inflation of an annular meniscus within a mold cavity is an important fluid mechanical problem in blow molding and glass blowing operations. Deformation of the meniscus surfaces directly affects the thickness distribution of the finished product. This paper analyzes axisymmetric inflation for […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A., Manolis G.D. Abstract It has been shown experimentally (Lee et al. 1982) that water drops with injected air bubbles inside them may be forced dynamically to assume the spherosymmetric shape. Linear analysis is unable to predict a centring mechanism, but provides two distinct modes of […]
Authors Poslinski A.J., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Axisymmetric inflation of fluid annular menisci under an imposed pressure gradient is analyzed by solving the Navier-Stokes equations for velocities in the meniscus and the kinematic and dynamic conditions for interface deformation subject to surface tension forces. Numerical calculations combine Galerkin/finite-element discretization with a […]
Authors Borkar A., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Small-amplitude oscillations of capillary bridges are examined in the limit of large modified Reynolds number. The contact line between the free surface of the bridge and the upper and lower supporting walls is allowed to undergo a restrained motion by taking its velocity to […]
Authors Vincett M.E., Tsamopoulos J.A., Lund C.R.F. Abstract A mathematical model for the steam gasification of carbon using group VIII transition metal catalysts has been developed. The reaction mechanism is assumed to involve the dissolution of carbon into the metal catalyst at the front half of the spherical particle followed […]
Authors Poslinski A.J., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Nonisothermal inflation of a viscous annular parison and its cooling and solidification before and upon wall contact are analyzed by solving the unsteady momentum and energy conservation equations. The algorithm simultaneously determines the flow field and temperature distribution within the parison together with the […]
Authors Gupte S.M., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The process of chemical vapor infiltration for densification of porous ceramic preforms consists of reactant diffusion and decomposition followed by solid product deposition in the porous body. A mathematical model for isothermal and nonisothermal CVI is presented where the transient porous structure is approximated […]
Authors Gupte S.M., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract A mathematical model for forced-flow chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) for densification of porous ceramic composites is presented. The process consists of mass transport of reactants by both convection and diffusion into a porous preform, decomposition of reactants, and subsequent deposition of solid product on […]
Authors Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A., Manolis G.D. Abstract It was shown by Rayleigh [Philos. Mag. 14, 184 (1882)] that a conducting spherical drop becomes unstable when the net dimensionless charge on its surface, Qc, exceeds the value of 4√π. More recently, Tsamopoulos et al. [Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J.A., Dandekar H.W., Scholtz J.H. Abstract The channeling action of metal catalysts during graphite gasification is studied. A comprehensive model is developed using all available data in the literature. The dependence of the channeling velocity on the inverse of the particle diameter under oxidation over Pd is shown […]
Authors Gupte S.M., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract A mathematical model that describes the combined diffusion and reaction of trichloromethylsilane in a porous preform under typical chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) conditions is presented. The model utilizes a single pore to demonstrate the importance of the pore geometry, total gaseous pressure, temperature, and […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J.A., Poslinski A.J., Ryan M.E. Abstract Equilibrium shapes and stability of annular fluid menisci held together by surface tension are analysed by applying asymptotic and computer-aided techniques from bifurcation theory. The shapes and locations of the menisci are governed by the Young-Laplace equation. These shapes are grouped together […]
Authors Beris A.N., Tsamopoulos J.A., Armstrong R.C., Brown R.A. Abstract A solid sphere falling through a Bingham plastic moves in a small envelope of fluid with shape that depends on the yield stress. A finite-element/Newton method is presented for solving the free-boundary problem composed of the velocity and pressure fields […]
Authors Tsamopoulos John A., Brown Robert A. Abstract The objective of this paper is to develop a rigorous framework for studying the nonlinear dynamics of drops and bubbles and to apply this theory to several of the outstanding problems. As opposed to numerical solutions, this semi-analytical method is relatively inexpensive, […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J.A., Brown R.A. Abstract Moderate-amplitude axisymmetric oscillations of charged inviscid drops held together by surface tension are calculated by a multiple-timescale expansion. The corrections to the drop shape and velocity caused by mode coupling at second order in amplitude are predicted for two-, three-and four-lobed motions of drops […]
Authors Beris A.N., Tsamopoulos J.A., Armstrong R.C., Brown R.A. Abstract A solid sphere falling through a Bingham plastic moves in a small envelope of fluid with shape that depends on the yield stress. A finite element/Newton method is presented for solving the free boundary problem composed of the velocity and […]
Authors Tsamopoulos J.A., Brown R.A. Abstract Moderate-amplitude axisymmetric oscillations of incompressible inviscid drops and bubbles are studied using a Poincaré-Lindstedt expansion technique. The corrections to the drop shape and velocity potential caused by mode coupling at second order in amplitude are predicted for two-, three-and four-lobed motions. The frequency of […]