Authors Kouris C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The nonlinear dynamics of the concentric, two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids in a circular tube is studied when the viscosity ratio of the fluid in the annulus to that in the core of the tube, μ, is larger than or equal to unity. […]
Authors Kouris C., Dimakopoulos Y., Georgiou G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract A Galerkin/finite element and a pseudo-spectral method, in conjunction with the primitive (velocity-pressure) and streamfunction-vorticity formulations, are tested for solving the two-phase flow in a tube, which has a periodically varying, circular cross section. Two immiscible, incompressible, Newtonian fluids are […]
Authors Smyrnaios D.N., Pelekasis N.A., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract The steady two-dimensional laminar flow of a stream of saturated vapor flowing over a tube that is kept at a uniform temperature, below the saturation temperature, is examined. Owing to the temperature difference between the vapor stream and the solid surface a […]
Authors Kouris C., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Nonlinear dynamics of the concentric, two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids in a circular tube of variable cross-section is studied for parameter values where the steady core-annular flow (CAF) is linearly unstable. The simulations are based on a pseudo-spectral numerical method. They are carried […]