Authors Chatzidai N., Giannousakis A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We present an improved method to generate a sequence of structured meshes even when the physical domain contains deforming inclusions. This method belongs to the class of Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) methods for solving moving boundary problems. Its tools are either […]
Moving boundary problems
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The displacement of viscous liquids by pressurized gas from harmonically undulated tubes of finite length is examined. This unsteady process gives rise to a long open bubble of varying radius, increasing length and surrounded by the liquid. In general, the thickness of the liquid […]
Authors Foteinopoulou K., Mavrantzas V.G., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Numerical results are presented concerning bubble growth in Newtonian and viscoelastic filaments undergoing stretching. In practice, such bubbles or cavities develop in materials (either in their bulk or at their interface with a substrate) such as the pressure sensitive adhesives. The problem […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We have developed a quasi-elliptic set of equations for generating a discretization mesh that optimally conforms to an entire domain that undergoes large deformations in primarily one direction. We have applied this method to the axisymmetric problem of the transient displacement of a viscous […]