Place: A. C. Payatakes Room, 1st Floor, Building of Chemical Engineering Department Date: August 29, 2022, Time: 09:00 Committee: Y. Dimakopoulos (supervisor), J. Tsamopoulos, V. Mavrantzas, S. Balabani, S. Yiantsios, G. Georgiou, S. Kaliviotis
Yearly Archives: 2022
7 posts
Place: Main Seminar Room, 1st Floor, main Building of Chemical Engineering Department Date: April 15, 2022, Time: 17:00 Committee: Y. Dimakopoulos (supervisor), J. Tsamopoulos, S. Pavlou
The research is focused on predicting and controlling deformation and flow of a group of complex materials abundant in nature and industry, called Yield-Stress (YS) or viscoplastic (VP) materials. These start to flow when a sufficient stress is applied to them but behave as solids otherwise. Predicting the behaviour of […]