Authors Papaioannou J.G., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J.A. Abstract Because of the three dimensional nature of many physical problems encountered in industrial processes and applications, we develop a novel 3D elliptic grid generator for the construction and the deformation of structured grids. The specific application we consider is related to the […]
Elliptic mesh generator
Authors Pavlidis M., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract Two-dimensional, steady flow of a viscoelastic film over a periodic topography under the action of a body force is studied. The exponential Phan-Thien and Tanner (ePTT) constitutive model is used. The conservation equations are solved via the usual mixed finite element method […]
Authors Chatzidai N., Giannousakis A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We present an improved method to generate a sequence of structured meshes even when the physical domain contains deforming inclusions. This method belongs to the class of Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) methods for solving moving boundary problems. Its tools are either […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We examine the pressure-driven coating of a straight, long tube with a finite amount of viscoelastic liquid. This combines the formation and elongation of an open bubble pushing the liquid downstream with the motion of the advancing liquid front and the deposition of a […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract We study the transient displacement of Newtonian and viscoplastic liquids by highly pressurized air in cylindrical tubes of finite length with an expansion followed by a contraction in their cross section. Papanastasiou’s formula is employed to regularize the discontinuous Bingham model. For both fluid […]
Authors Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. Abstract The displacement of viscous liquids by pressurized gas from harmonically undulated tubes of finite length is examined. This unsteady process gives rise to a long open bubble of varying radius, increasing length and surrounded by the liquid. In general, the thickness of the liquid […]