We are thrilled to announce a remarkable achievement from the Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC) 2024, held in Leeds, UK! In a gathering of leading researchers and innovators, Athanasios Kordalis, Ph.D. candidate of the Department of Chemical Engineering and member of Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Rheology, has been honored […]
Athanasios Kordalis a Ph.D. candidate of the Department of Chemical Engineering of UPatras received the best presentation award in the first European Young Rheologists Symposium organized by the European Society of Rheology and hosted by the Italian Society of Rheology between 8-9 of May 2023.
Varchanis, S., Haward, S.J., Hopkins, C.C., Tsamopoulos, J., Shen, A.Q.Evaluation of constitutive models for shear-banding wormlike micellar solutions in simple and complex flowsVolume 307, 2022, 104855 The Prize will be officially presented at the XIXth International Congress on Rheology (ICR2023), in Athens, Greece, from July 29th to August 4th, 2023.
In the framework of YieldGap project FluidsLab organized the Third YieldGap School on 06 – 10 February 2023
We are glad to announce that our paper in Physics of Fluids has been selected to be an Editors’ Suggestion and a Front Cover of the issue. Structural variations of endothelial cell monolayer under startup shear conditions K Psaraki, V Mitsoulas, S Pavlou, Y DimakopoulosPhysics of Fluids 35 (2), 021902 […]
Numerical simulations reveals the physical mechanism for the onset of the sharkskin instability in polymer extrusion process In this paper, we have studied polymer extrusion, an important process in plastics manufacturing. Often the final material’s surface is rough with semi regular grooves resembling the skin of a shark. This phenomenon, […]
Associate Professor Yannis Dimakopoulos gave a keynote speech in entitled “Advanced Computational Methods for the Simulation of Complex Fluids in Industrial Processes” in the Complex Fluids in Manufacturing Workshop which took place on 21 April 2021.
Professor John Tsamopoulos and Dr. Stelios Varchanis gave a lecture in the JNNFM Complex Fluids Seminar Series on 28 April 2021. The abstract and the recording of the lecture are available at: The recording is also available below:
Associate Professor Yannis Dimakopoulos was appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering of Elsevier Publishing House. The JPSE is an international, peer-reviewed, Journal. The objective of the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering is to bridge the gap between the engineering, the geology and the science […]
We are glad to announce that our paper in Physics of Fluids has been selected to be an Editors’ Suggestion. Marco De Corato, Yannis Dimakopoulos, and John Tsamopoulos “The rising velocity of a slowly pulsating bubble in a shear-thinning fluid”, published in Physics of Fluids 31, 083103 (2019) […]
We report experimental microfluidic measurements and theoretical modeling of elastoviscoplastic materials under steady, planar elongation. Employing a theory that allows the solid state to deform, we predict the yielding and flow dynamics of such complex materials in pure extensional flows. We find a significant deviation of the ratio of the […]
Yannis Dimakopoulos, Georgios Makrigiorgos, Georgios Georgiou, John Tsamopoulos are the 2018 Walters Prize winners. The Editors of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (JNNFM) and Elsevier announced the winners of the third Walters Prize. This annual award recognizes the best paper among those published within the previous year and runners […]
We are glad to announce that our papers in Physical Review Fluids have been selected to be an Editors’ Suggestion. Pettas, D., Karapetsas, G., Dimakopoulos, Y., Tsamopoulos, J., “Viscoelastic film flows over an inclined substrate with topography. I. Steady state”, published in Physical Review Fluids (Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 083303). […]
Georgia Ioannou, Ph.D. candidate of the fluids lab won the best paper award in the 12th PESXM conference for the poster:“DYNAMICS OF ELASTO-VISCO-PLASTIC MATERIALS IN STRONG EXTENSION”, by G. Ioannou, S. Varchanis, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Τsamopoulos ABSTRACT In this work, we examine the flow of elasto-visco-plastic materials in the optimized-shape cross-slot […]
Professor John Tsamopoulos has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society “For outstanding contributions, via insightful computations and analyses, to the fundamental understanding of flows of two-phase materials and viscoplastic fluids” as stated in the official assessment. The nomination ceremony will be held on November 2016 during the […]
Lab Director Professor John Tsamopoulos awarded with Bingham Fluid Medal at the Viscoplastic Fluids Conference entitled “Viscoplastic Fluids: From Theory to Application” which took place in Banff, Alberta, Canada on 25 – 30 October 2015. The award is given biennially and recognises the contribution of members of the viscoplastic fluids […]